Our Blogs

Following on from our 2021 Award for Best Value Student Storage we have been awarded the Best UK Top Student Storage Companies in 2022...
1 in 5 students experience mental health issues while at university. So here are 5 tips to help university students with good mental health! Mental health matters...
Summer is fast approaching around the corner, with exams and coursework deadlines near in sight. The last thing you want to happen is to forget something important and spend your summer panicking trying to fix it. So here's a list of what you need to get sorted before summer.
Here are some tips to reduce stress and anxiety during exam season at university! University exam season can be a stressful time, so here are some ways to reduce that stress and to help university students stay healthy and do well on your exams.
Here are 6 Savvy tips to help Students save money at University! University is a great time in life for students, but it's not always the cheapest. So here are some ways to help university students save money... bet you don't know all of these!

Student Castle are a premium provider of Student Accommodation across the UK. We recently contacted them and asked the question on every students lips:

If I have left Student Castle and will not be returning can I cancel my tenancy?

"If you email us by 12 noon (UK time) on Friday 10 April 2020 with notice that you wish to terminate your licence/ tenancy, we will terminate as of Saturday 11 April 2020 for the remaining period of your agreement.

We can now confirm that if you do not plan to continue staying in your Unite home for your third University term (so from after Easter), then provided you let us know by Friday 10th April by emailing, unless you have already done so, we will treat this as a return of your room (in effect a surrender of your tenancy agreement with us) and you will not have to pay your outstanding rental payment.
Student Roost - "As these are unprecedented circumstances, we have made an exception to our normal cancellation policy to support our residents. We will be cancelling residents' payments from May 1 if they plan to move out, or have already moved out, of their student accommodation. If students contact us to take up this offer, we will not charge them any rent from May 1 onwards.

